It’s still the dawn for building a solid bridge between online and offline across the river called ‘mobile’ and subsidiary stream called social and so on. When building this bridge we have to check and prepare the ground and basement called for instance CRM, Analytics etc. and above all there the clouds :-)
Step by step we can see that it’s going to transform life, business, and work. We’re without doubt going to see more innovation in the next years because of all of the technology within mobile phone penetration, and you’re also going to see the connection between online and offline create a whole new experience for individuals and others, how we live, how we learn, how we work, …
Mobile, cloud, social media, and analytic are the building and maintaining elements that have given the power for a new world. In short, every part in life, learning and business is now enwrought by digital parts.
It is time to bridge the gap and create more holistic environments.
The first step is always acknowledging the new environment and knowing that the one who adapts to omni-channel communication sooner will gain their users’ loyalty faster. Remember, users have already merged all channels; they don’t even differentiate them as ‘channels’ anymore.
Omni-channel communication and offerings, and touch points are about a seamless approach to the user and customer experience. Data collection and analysis can lead to custom-designed incentives throughout the path to purchase, holistically customer understanding and campaigns; and better-trained employees that can deliver a personalized shopping experience.
When we look at the digital possibilities which we have today – I think each business have to think or hire experts helping them to understand what these great potential means to them to transform the ways in which their business can drive revenue by …
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Step by step we can see that it’s going to transform life, business, and work. We’re without doubt going to see more innovation in the next years because of all of the technology within mobile phone penetration, and you’re also going to see the connection between online and offline create a whole new experience for individuals and others, how we live, how we learn, how we work, …
Mobile, cloud, social media, and analytic are the building and maintaining elements that have given the power for a new world. In short, every part in life, learning and business is now enwrought by digital parts.
It is time to bridge the gap and create more holistic environments.
The first step is always acknowledging the new environment and knowing that the one who adapts to omni-channel communication sooner will gain their users’ loyalty faster. Remember, users have already merged all channels; they don’t even differentiate them as ‘channels’ anymore.
Omni-channel communication and offerings, and touch points are about a seamless approach to the user and customer experience. Data collection and analysis can lead to custom-designed incentives throughout the path to purchase, holistically customer understanding and campaigns; and better-trained employees that can deliver a personalized shopping experience.
When we look at the digital possibilities which we have today – I think each business have to think or hire experts helping them to understand what these great potential means to them to transform the ways in which their business can drive revenue by …
- Innovative approaches
- Customized products
- Optimized processes
- Tailored and personalized experiences
- New sales and marketing channels
- Mobile Transactions
- Improving customer service and customer service delivery
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Customer Experience / Expectation vs. Retail Experiences – Closing the Omni-Channel Gap
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