Ensure Social Distancing creative and with a twinkle in one's eye - Social distancing and Corona - 6th

A photo of a Parisian café’s outdoor seating aroused my attention and reminded me on ways to keep social distance so much more creative and 'friendly' than by prohibitive signs.


Let's be honest - that doesn't looks very appealing, gemütlich or snug:


In the Netherlands a restaurant used small forcing houses:


And that looks scary:


But the idea of the Parisian café reminded me on a tweet I saw months ago
I have no idea which kind of stuffed animals these stuffed toys are - but I like it


A bar in Maryland is ensuring social distancing by introducing bumper tables supported by wheels, which can be worn by the diners.

And even we / the Germans can be funny:

Cafe & Konditorei Rothe in the city of Schwerin come up with a fun way to ensure their guests stay a safe distance apart—1.5m (4.9 feet).

Burger King branches in Germany recently introduced giant “social distancing crowns,” forcing customers to stand 6 feet apart:

Let's be creative and make best out of all and this crazy time
Best Holger #stayhealthy and #staysafe
