Commerce in 2020 / Thoughts of the day about AI, ML and DL

Customers have more choice and control than ever and they expect something special to help them to reaching their goals. You have to deliver what is wanted in the very moment, where and when and by every touch point - might it be locally in a store, online at the customer's laptops or computers or while they are on the go or in their cars - as soon as possible and one click or one finger swipe away.

Ecommerce and marketing cloud solutions simplify big data so you and everyone who is involved can provide next level engagement with pinpoint accuracy. 

For that we have AI, ML and DL ... 
  • AI - Artificial Intelligence is the broad discipline of creating intelligent products, solutions and services - Artificial intelligence (AI) is the overarching discipline that covers anything related to making machines smart. 
  • ML - Machine Learning is a subset of AI that provides products, solutions and services the ability to automatically learn (by different algorithms / neural networks) and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. 
  • DL - Deep Learning (or often called deep neural learning) is a subset of ML, which uses the neural networks to analyze different factors with a structure that is in line with the existing, expected human system and behavior. 

It's all about offering personalization that delights customers - building confidence and trust - and for marketing team they'll get omni-present and omni-channel support. 
AI, ML and DL are the intelligence behind and for best matching predictive recommendations for audience, consumers and customers on the one hand. And for the vendors and companies - the marketing team - the predictive business, product, and channel and supply chains - as well as vendor's budgets and execution and even more at a glance and right on time on the other hand. Providing worth with closed loop measurement in attribution including lead conversion in revenue.

But as always and everywhere in life it's all about trust - as we talk about personalize engagements and strengthen relationships - and to be able and willing to protect customer online to tackle abuse and protecting data.

Let's make commerce omni present and let us make every moment matter.

As I already wrote - it's all about trust - The use of AI will give us ever-more insight into human behavior through a deeper understanding of what motivates human desire and worry. If used correctly, this information has the potential to continue benefiting products and services; however, designers must also strike a balance between user and customer experience and ethics.

AI, ML and DL will for sure change our life - but I see everyone and us as UX and CX people in charge (as everyone) to have an eye on what we do and what the future should looks like.
Unlocking the full potential of these could present limitless opportunities for the businesses that leverage artificial intelligence to enhance both the product user experience and the UX design process.
These technologies will help us to achieve the visions of moving away from designing generic products for an entire customer base to customizing or personalizing the user experience for individual people as individual they are (or want to be). 


My goal in writing this article was to put a spotlight on the positive impacts of AI, ML and DL which they will for sure have on experience on line and offline and the borders will blur more and more.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to make optimal use of these technologies that can increase the capabilities of usage, products, services etc.. 

Every time when a new technology comes in, it changes the way we behave. And most of the time in positive ways, and it takes a while for us to get used to it. And that will happen to AI, ML and DL as well ... as for all the new technologies which came before. We have to deal, check, value, become familiar with the what, how, when ... 
It is up to us how we do deal with new things in life - some are scary, some are overwhelming, ... changes are challenging - and the only way to go forward.
I am super curious - but as more and more of these technologies will have effects on our lives and world, the more and more I am looking forward to hashtag Emotional-Intelligence.  😀😎
