Chats and ChatGPT - and a Search Engine almost two Decades ago 'Ms.Dewey'

When people talk about avatars in chats, services and furthermore - I always remember back in 2006 - there were for a few years a first search engine / a personality / an avatar called Ms. Dewey. The site went massively viral and everyone in the innovative 'new media' were talking about it.

Ms. Dewey - - was a flash site in which 'Ms. Dewey' made comments about the users' search terms. The site was mainly fun and entertaining, and less really a search engine. And even she was often political incorrect and here and there annoying - I liked it - as it shows as that searching can be fun - but only when beside of the fun value or better good results come up and the fun is not too much distracting :-) 

Ok - but that was history - a time when we were far away from the options we have today and in the future which is around the corner - Today we have Alexa, Cortana, and Siri.  

ChatGPT, ML, AI and DL and their new features and improvements, such as the ability to speak as a person and better understanding of context - understanding languages, dailects, and slang language even better and come up with answers that make more sense and fit the situation.
These feature and possibilities already increased their possibilities and they will furthermore push the boundaries and opportunities of communication, private, business environments, and the ongoing improvement of  their models and finding new ways to use them.

Even though there are so many innovations and possibilities and chances, there are risks.
ChatGPT, ML, AI and DL will help us understand each other and talk better. It is also important to pay attention to how it is manufactured and used as it is built and implemented. 
