Ethics and Responsibility regarding KI, AI, ML and DL

KI, AI, ML and DL have become one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century, impacting every aspect of our lives on so many levels and in so many aspects, from the way we work and learn to the way we communicate and interact with one another. 
One of the most profound impacts of these technologies are and will be on business. industrialization and automation is replacing human workers now longer than a century at an unprecedented rate up to now most often taking over routine and low-skilled jobs - but will change and take its place in the world of learned professions. While this has the potential to improve efficiency and reduce costs, it also raises concerns about the displacement of jobs. However, it is important to note that these technologie is not a job killer, but rather a job transformer. As I am not only designer - I am a paramedic too. The impact of AI on healthcare is another area of significant development. With better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, artificial intelligence can dramatically influence healthcare.With the ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI-powered systems can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs and even more risks - and as paramedic I see the benefits in the area of EMS emergency medical services.
Another concern is the potential for the technologies to be misused or abused. For example, AI-powered autonomous drone-weapons, or other 'new' ways to harm people or environment, have the potential to cause significant harm and raise concerns about accountability and responsibility. In addition, the use in surveillance and law enforcement raises questions about privacy and civil liberties.
The impact of KI, AI, ML and DL on society is both exciting and challenging. They have the potential to transform the way we live and work, communicate and interact - but it also raises concerns about the displacement of jobs, bias and discrimination, and the potential for misuse or abuse.

Artificial intelligence will definitely cause our workforce, business to evolve and change. The transformative impact of artificial intelligence on our society will have far-reaching economic, political and regulatory changes and implications that we need to be preparing for - and have to have on our radars.

But back to design ...

Whenever I designed something I most often not only thought about and designed  for one UI – I firmly believe that everyone who is doing something or creating something must look left and right, back and forward. I tried to evolve ethical aspect in my doing, built on the principles of trust and transparency, helping others understand values – there are a principles which guided and guide me …

  • Purposefulness - The purpose of technology, in real life and the digital world is to extend the power, possibilities, convenience or even the ‘intelligence’ of people, user … This means that the goal should not or may not be replacing human intelligence by technology, but to extend it and support it. Because each new technological innovation brings changes in the supply and demand of specific areas, work areas and areas of life, we as designers and creative people should be committed to supporting society and individuals in this transition and change.

  • Easy and Joy of use - A service, an app, a system or whatever we design, code, create should be easy to understand and that means transparent on all levels and ways to look at it – visual, mental, or technology wise –  and in particular about what went into the solutions and what comes out as recommendations of its algorithms and bits and bytes. Or to shorten my thought - To increase trust in technology, users need to be able to see how a service works, evaluate its functionality, and understand its strengths and limitations.
    Especially when it comes to KI, AI, ML and DL we as creative people, technology people must be transparent and explainable. I firmly believe that we need to provide clarity about who is training their systems, what data was used for that training, and, most importantly, what went into the out put, the algorithms' recommendations. And making clear whether, and why it is a reliable suggestion, or alternative, an option, recommendation … you name it … based on what, and how possibly to go on with it.

  • Respect - This refers dignity, consideration of society, users, individuals, groups, companies – this list is almost endless – everyone person or thing which is effected by a / the system or service. When properly designed, I am pretty sure or better I am sure that all these technologies which are now in our hands will and can help people make fairer decisions, counteract human biases, and promote inclusivity.


In the end, it is up to us to shape the future of KI, AI, ML and DL - ensuring that these technologies benefit us all. Let us embrace the transformative power, but also recognize the responsibility that comes with it, so that we can build a better, more equitable future for all.
In conclusion these technologies can and will accelerate lives and businesses to operate better, more efficiently, make better-informed decisions, and provide better products and services and myna more to everyone and every business ... but ...
With great power comes great responsibility
