Are you looking for ways to improve your eCommerce ? Want to learn the key trends that will affect your online shop over the coming year? Then please read this second article about new trends in eCommerce. I will continue this series soon.
The reasoned year of the pandemic was a huge catalyst for millions of consumers but also companies, who have embraced the convenience of digital services and ecommerce.
Digitalization has created new ways of communicating with customers and selling products and services through different channels.
The following graphic shows the different commerce approaches over time.
But the challenge was and still is that a huge number of providers still have channels and silos in their companies and minds. Meaning the online sales is not connected or even not talking to their local business colleagues – and even in the online departments of a company the teams are departed – that is no good – especially when their end-customers, consumers, and buyers see it or feel that the brand is not acting, communicating as one company, one brand.
When you look at the increasing numbers of mobile shopping you can see how important omni-channel commerce becomes.
The reasoned year of the pandemic was a huge catalyst for millions of consumers but also companies, who have embraced the convenience of digital services and ecommerce.
Digitalization has created new ways of communicating with customers and selling products and services through different channels.
And when we talk about communication – please keep the Triangle of the Communication Model in mind …
The relation of sender, receiver and message – in a certain context - and that it is not stable that sender and receiver is switching and the context is not stable neither.
The following graphic shows the different commerce approaches over time.
With the classic single-channel commerce and approach, one physical sales or touch point where they sold their products.
The separated channel commerce with only office and home-based computers by trying to sell products not only in the store but also through other sales channels online stores and perhaps AOL 😏.
The multi-channel commerce goes one step further by trying to sell products not only by the own digital catalogs, online stores or the 'new' social media platforms.
The cross-channel commerce already did its best to support and link several sales channels to each other. Already during these days there were a few brands, companies and retailer who allowed the customers to order a product online and then pick it up in a stationery store.
The last one is the Omni Channel Commerce. This approach allows the communication with the customer seamlessly over all channels - such as social media, apps, online stores, stationary retail, or print products have a seamless brand experience. The omni-channel experience is marketing, selling, and serving customers on all channels to create an joined and cohesive customer experience. An approach to offer the customer a target group-oriented or in best case an unique personalized shopping experience, no matter where they are and when they want reaches out and want to shop.
But the challenge was and still is that a huge number of providers still have channels and silos in their companies and minds. Meaning the online sales is not connected or even not talking to their local business colleagues – and even in the online departments of a company the teams are departed – that is no good – especially when their end-customers, consumers, and buyers see it or feel that the brand is not acting, communicating as one company, one brand.
When you look at the increasing numbers of mobile shopping you can see how important omni-channel commerce becomes.
Just by looking at these numbers, it’s easy to see how important mobile shopping will be to ecommerce companies in the coming years. And when we think about omni channel commerce it is only a very small step to see that personalizing content, communication and customer interaction has become a real big thing in commerce. This trend has become an essential part for every company, vendor, and retailer as it can break or improve customer experience.
However, there are lots of ways by which to leverage personalization. Imagine integrating this concept in an omni channel selling process is a challenge but we as Customer Experience, Managers, Developers whether we build the backbone for an ecommerce or we run a store – we must know and understand it – and know what we can do and must do.
Now, we know that omni-channel commerce creates a variety of opportunities to link up with customers.
As mentioned before – when we do real omnichannel commerce with real and perhaps real-time multi- / omni-channel personalization - with personalized content, communication, and interactions. The results can only be enhanced customer loyalty and great deals and business.
A number of companies are working on these new trends.
At SAP we use new technology to bring our customers and their customers closer.
By continuously adapting to Customers', Consumers' and Users' needs and having the future on our radar we always find innovative ways to keep people and business motivated and inspired.
To all of my design, developer colleagues and manager I call you all up - let us invent or reinvent / invigorate or reinvigorate business and ecommerce and the future of work.
Now, we know that omni-channel commerce creates a variety of opportunities to link up with customers.
As mentioned before – when we do real omnichannel commerce with real and perhaps real-time multi- / omni-channel personalization - with personalized content, communication, and interactions. The results can only be enhanced customer loyalty and great deals and business.
A number of companies are working on these new trends.
At SAP we use new technology to bring our customers and their customers closer.
By continuously adapting to Customers', Consumers' and Users' needs and having the future on our radar we always find innovative ways to keep people and business motivated and inspired.
To all of my design, developer colleagues and manager I call you all up - let us invent or reinvent / invigorate or reinvigorate business and ecommerce and the future of work.
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