I'm an UX designer.
I don't design UIs.
I design touch points where people feel good.
I don't start a project by sitting down in a quiet office.
I sit in the busiest place where I can watch users in their neighborhood.
I watch the people.
Hear the stories.
Smell the scents.
Feel the light and understand their mandatories.
I sit there and wait until I understood the aims and needs.
Until it nudges me and says, "This is how we'll do it. Exactly like this."
I'm an architect, a designer, - I design for and with people
I design touch points where people feel good and succeeds.
Inspiration is found wherever you look for it.
As I saw the video for the first time - And I thought that's the way I ever worked and I am still working.
It make no difference whether I worked as an Architect or city and urban planner after my study or later as information architect and now as UX designer.
It's all about understanding the needs, make it simple, easy to get into, convenient and comfortable to orientate, delightful and pleasant in order having joy to use it.

It all starts with a point and line - then color and mood - and finally there are experience ...
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