Innovation for retail on June 26, 2014 B2B B2C e-commerce +9 Enterprise Resource Planning ERP m-commerce mobile multichannel retail shared shopping experience social media social-commerce social-shopping user experience B2B B2C e-commerce Enterprise Resource Planning ERP m-commerce mobile multichannel retail shared shopping experience social media social-commerce social-shopping user experience
Visualizing Big Data on June 24, 2014 big data Creative Thinking +2 Design Thinking Football Hana inspiration mobile SAP soccer user experience big data Creative Thinking Design Thinking Football Hana inspiration mobile SAP soccer user experience
You only have stores because there was no Internet ... What you fear will come much faster on June 20, 2014 B2B B2C CGF +4 Consumer Goods Forum conversion rate optimization e-commerce omni-channel omnichannel retail Samwer B2B B2C CGF Consumer Goods Forum conversion rate optimization e-commerce omni-channel omnichannel retail Samwer
The fast e-commerce growth. Formula 1, not golf. on June 20, 2014 Amazon e-commerce Fire Phone +1 Firefly google innovation Mayday retail Shopper Amazon e-commerce Fire Phone Firefly google innovation Mayday retail Shopper